Monday, January 19, 2009

My novel in index card form

Here it is, my novel distilled onto 4x6 index cards.

That was the easy part. Next comes the hard part. Cutting out the superfluous and work on the pacing. My writing style for this novel was breathless enthusiasm, while entertaining in small doses, does not a novel make.

Of course I will post updates.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Progress and stuff

I wanted to check in. I have been working diligently and am finally finished transposing my story onto note cards. The next step is to lay out the cards in the order they appear in the book to decide what needs to stay and what needs to go.

So this is my next step.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Full-speed editing

One of my New Year's resolutions was to be more serious about my writing, to the point where I schedule it. So far (it is only Jan. 7, I know), I have been keeping my promise. I work on my book on days that the Red Wings aren't playing. On those days, I do something crafty. On the weekend, I split, depending on what is going on.

So the editing has been going well. I am plotting each scene on an index card pursuant to the last post I made and #3 in the list in my post on 12/7. I have also realized a couple of truths about myself, specifically, that it isn't necessary for me to read a book in its entirety. If I skim pertinent chapters and make notes, then it is just as good.

Another truth: I know next to nothing about story structure and it is sad. I am educating myself with a great book titled, The Portable MFA in Creative Writing. I guess I should have majored in Creative Writing in college. Maybe I would have known earlier what I was doing.

One more truth: I am further ahead than I think. I don't know a lot of writers. I know a lot of wannabes and I always compare myself to them when they haven't written anything. The fact of the matter is I have written three books, a play, and several poems. I have to work on the next step (which is what I am doing now) and shaping the work into something publishable. I have to stop being so hard on myself.

That is it for today. More truth as I uncover it!