Well, I won NaNoWriMo this year. I wrote 11,000 words on the last day. What a nightmare the whole month was. Just horrible. I have been writing freelance articles and I thought I would be able to bide my time between the novel and freelance work but I couldn't. I ended up getting burned out very quickly. The freelance is still pretty rough. I have a goal every week of 20 articles I would like to get done but I have yet to meet it. Take today, for example. It is Saturday. You would think I would have all of the time in the world to write. But no. I wrote one article today and started another one. One. That is all. I wrote seven on Thursday and four yesterday. Let's hope tomorrow goes better.
I think that NaNoWriMo was hard this year because I already had the novel written in my head. It didn't exactly turn out the way I wanted, probably because I ended up writing the ending 15,000 words ahead of time. I had to go back and fix it. It was really hard. Here is the medallion I won: