I have taken this past week and have been decompressing and I have to say that I miss the pressure cooker atmosphere of NaNoWriMo. I know that I feeling back to normal because my inner critic came back from vacation and told me that he thought my novel sucked! I missed him so. Anyway, I am going to slowly go back through my novel and start editing.
I was thinking about the what haves and might have beens and have been thinking that I should have went to grad school in Colorado when I had the chance. That was the whole reason I went out there, and I didn't even bother! Which brings me to my next point: I wasted a lot of time on stupid stuff, including not writing, when I was younger. Let's hope that that is over with. I also have to be pragmatic in thinking about the past. I have realized just because you are living in a different place or have a different job, you are still the same person. You can't run away from it. Who knows if I even would have liked grad school? I had a traumatic experience with a creative writing instructor in college. She knows who she is. I was looking into minoring in it at BGSU, but the woman was so horrible, she couldn’t believe that all I was worried about was graduating. I ended up minoring in English and graduating on-time.
I also had a traumatic experience with an English teacher in high school. She wasn’t very nice and was extremely critical about my two-page essays. Maybe it was tough love? I don't know, I was too busy being a brat.
Take 5: Vaughn Roycroft and DESTINY’S DOOM
3 hours ago
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