Friday, April 10, 2009

Script frenzy

It is Day 10 of Script Frenzy and I have 3.3 pages of script written. It seems my Script Frenzy is moving at the same speed my NaNoWriMo did. I am trapped in a pit of despair, unable to move forward and miserable because of it. I have entertained every distraction until I am no longer unable to distract myself because I can't stand it!

So enough! I have re-calculated my pages and I need 4.6 pages from here on out to reach 100 by 4/30. And so I will write my pages and stop being such a baby about it.

That wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. I pounded out the 4.6 pages fairly quickly and worked ahead a little bit so I only have 3.5 to do tomorrow. I am not sure why I make writing into this horrible thing. I guess because I have no confidence in myself. I am not sure how I can gain confidence. I guess I will muddle through.

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