I had a horrible writing night last night. I think I wrote 20 words. This is after I went upstairs to complain to my husband and to whine that "maybe I wasn't a writer." When I think about all the accomplished people, the thing that sticks out is that they worked hard to get where they are. How do I work hard to achieve success? By writing. But why is it so horribly painful? Excruciatingly, terribly awful. I am proud of what I write but getting there is like having my teeth pulled without novacaine. I actually had a dentist who filled a tooth without novacaine once when I was young.
Anyway, I am determined to do this year's NaNoWriMo. I am at approximately 3342 words. I didn't count last night's abomination. I did some math and determined that I have to write 2222 words a day until 11/30 to achieve 50,000. This is only an extra 555 more words a day.
I can do it. I will check in later with my word count.
Word count for Monday: 5565, so I am one up on my count (was to be 5564). I feel pretty good about writing tonight. I worked halfway through, then took the dog, and came back and finished. If all writing sessions went this easy!
Take 5: Vaughn Roycroft and DESTINY’S DOOM
3 hours ago
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