My word count for today is 34,475. I didn't have a 10,000 word weekend, but I had a 7,743 word weekend and I caught up with where I am supposed to be. So if I stay on track every day until the end of the month, then I will win.
I have been writing on my couch instead of being in my room downstairs. I really needed the change of pace. I am not sure where I will end up writing tomorrow, but the couch worked out well. I have had various and sundry dog and cats laying on me, helping me with my creative process. It has been nice.
One thing I did to facilitate meeting my overall word count goal was to make mini goals. I would say that in 30 minutes I want to write 500 words. This really helped me. I don't know why I didn't do it before.
Also, I let my characters off their tight leashes and they showed me a bit of what they were about. Last year when I was writing this, the story wrote itself because I didn't have a plot. I had a plot going into this and it has proved more difficult than I imagined it would be. So it is a live and learn situation. I am still having a problem with plot but I feel like I have identified what it is about and maybe I can fix it or work around it or live with it.
Take 5: Vaughn Roycroft and DESTINY’S DOOM
3 hours ago
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