Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chapter 2 and a new challenge

I started editing Chapter 2 tonight. I am infinitely inspired by The Writer's Almanac podcasts, which my husband downloads for us to listen to. I recommend it wholeheartedly. I am going to up my editing schedule to get the book done. It is hard work! I have come to a conclusion about myself which I may or may not have mentioned previously. I have realized that my problem isn't about writing everyday. It is not about not being able to find inspiration. It is about wanting to avoid the hard work of writing and editing. Are my edits good enough? How the hell should I know? I guess I will find out!

I have also signed up for another writing challenge, Script Frenzy, where participants write a 100-page script in 30 days. This is scheduled for April.

I am excited because the rules say you can work on a script that has already been started or you can start something new. Either one works for me because I already have a script started and I want to turn my latest NaNoWriMo novel into a script. It is nice to have a choice! I have a week and a half to decide what to do.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Progress report

I wanted to check in with a progress report on the edits to my first chapter. In my previous post, I said that my goal was to finish editing/rewriting the first chapter of my book by last Sunday; I gave myself the weekend. Of course I didn't make my goal, however, I did get some of it finished before running into a brick wall.

I knew I wouldn't finish. It is my nature to do things this way: make a goal and not meet it. For me, the very act of making a goal and at least attempting it is important because it gets me moving. In this instance, after I ran into the wall, I spent the entire following week working on how I was going to resolve it. In the book, Self-Editing for Fiction Writers, the first chapter is titled "Show and Tell." Basically the point is to show your story through dialogue not narrative summary. The one thing I don't like about my book is it's breathless narrative, like it's being related in short bursts over the phone. My goal in the rewrite was to slow down the novel so you get to know the people, especially the main character; she could be you.

The gist of all of this typing is that I figured it out and can proceed. More progress when I make it.

On Edit:
I have finished the first chapter. I guess that is all it took: a week of anguish over edits. I may not survive the rest of this book.