Saturday, November 13, 2010

Nanowrimo progress report

 I am really struggling with this Nanowrimo because, like everything, I over analyze and have to plan so much that I am paralyzed and can't do anything. The whole point of Nanowrimo is to write by the seat of your pants. This I am not doing. I am thinking about knocking off the rest of the night because I am introducing another character and it is too much to worry about right now. I want him to be the perfect blend of psycho and nice guy. Is that too much to ask?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nanowrimo update

Nanowrimo started Monday and I have to say that I haven't gotten off on the best foot. My day job interfered and then I had class Monday night. There really aren't enough hours in a day. I was unmotivated last night and tonight, I am going to try and catch up, but I think I will have to revise my daily word counts. In fact I know I will have to because I am going out of town this weekend and am not taking my computer.

Ah, the thrills and chills of Nanowrimo. I am extremely rusty as I have not written anything in a long, long time. I am pushing through though and will do my best.